Friday, May 14, 2010

A new exhibit

Biscuit and I learned today how the animals at the zoo feel about being on display.

One of our neighbors came over last week to see Biscuit. She said she never sees him outside and wanted to check in and see how he's growing.

When we go outside to play, we always go in the back yard. It's fenced in. That's where Biscuit's toys are. And that's where my swing is. So it makes sense.

But it didn't occur to me that the neighbors around the cul-de-sac might be interested in seeing Biscuit every once in a while.

So when I got home from work today, I let Biscuit walk to the mailbox with me. Then we hung out in the front yard for a while.

One of our neighbors was cutting his grass, but when he saw us playing, he turned the mower off and came over. He and Biscuit had a nice conversation.

Then our neighbors from across the street stopped by in their van as they were leaving. They had a conversation with Biscuit, too.

Then another neighbor waved at us from his yard. Just a minute later, his wife was walking over to our yard. She said he ran in the house and yelled, "The baby is out! The baby is out!" So she came over to see him.

It was really nice showing off my boy. We lucked out in the neighbor department. We have really nice people living around us.

But man, I sure did feel on display this afternoon. It's like Biscuit and I were the new pandas at the zoo!

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