Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Out of the mouth of my babe

There's a lot going on with Biscuit's mouth these days.

He's got two pretty little teeth on the bottom in the middle. And he's getting ready to get the two middle ones on the top.

(The picture at right was when the bottom teeth were about halfway through.)

The first tooth gave Biscuit fits. He had a fever, tenderness, diarrhea (which I didn't even know could happen with teething), diaper rash, grumpiness and obviously, mouth pain. We quickly learned that Infant Tylenol and Baby Orajel are our friends.

Because of this, when the second tooth popped in, it really did seem like that's how it happened. It just popped right in ... no pain, no drama.

We're still waiting to see what happens with the top teeth. So far, he's just become the ultimate slobber master. It's worse than having a little puppy around the house. We walk around constantly stepping in little puddles of drool, and we sit down on furniture with wet spots on the edges. Any time we hold him, we either have drool down the fronts of our shirts or on our shoulders. And if we're sitting with our legs propped up, he'll use our legs as chew toys. It isn't so bad right now with only two teeth, but I predict a few bite marks in the coming weeks.

The other thing that's been coming from Biscuit's mouth lately is all sorts of noises. He's mastered the da-da-da, ma-ma-ma, ba-ba-ba noises. I'm not sure how long it will be before he makes those noises and realizes that he's referring to Jeff, me or his bottle.

Biscuit also makes all sorts of random noises. He has a motorboat noise (play video below). It's really funny when he makes that noise as he crawls. It sounds like he has a little motor that's making him go. He also makes a lot of razzing noise (also, see video below). And he makes just plain ol' hollering, whining, laughing, humming, mumbling types of noises (you guessed it, see video below).

I can't imagine what it's going to be like to hear actual words coming from that little mouth. Of course, I'm sure in a few years, when the attitude kicks in, I'll be wishing for the days when all he could say was da-da-da, ma-ma-ma and ba-ba-ba.

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