Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Biscuit and I were sitting in the backyard swing one night a couple of weeks ago. We were pretending we were on an airplane.I was the pilot. 

"Buckle up, passengers," I said. "We're heading to the beach on Flight 12."

"Mom! I mean, Pilot! Look out!" Biscuit said. "There's something up ahead. It's blocking our way."

"What is it?" I asked. At this point, Biscuit and I were both using very dramatic, very loud voices. I mean, wouldn't you use a frantic voice, too, if there was something in the path of your airplane while you were flying to the beach?!?

"Mom! It's a spectacled bear!" Biscuit said. "We have to find a way to go around it! What are we going to do?!?"

This continued for a while and included tapirs, condors, lemurs (from Madagascar) and a bunch of other animals I've barely even heard of.

Biscuit learns about these animals from his friend Diego on TV. Each show is about rescuing some kind of animal and usually includes several obstacles to overcome.

Want to see how much he likes the show? Check out his concentration.


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