Saturday, January 4, 2014

Scenes of the season, Part 3

Here are a few more pictures from the past week or so:

"Look, Mom! I can stick to the back of the couch
like Spider-Man sticks to the walls of a building!"

Our server gave Biscuit some kiddie chopsticks, and he went to
town with them ... with his LEFT hand! Dude! Make up your mind!!

He's not holding them exactly right, but hey,
he ate every piece of chicken on his plate.

I love how sticking out his tongue helps him concentrate.

Jeff started rocking in my chair, and I couldn't figure out the weird noise it was
making. I asked him to spin around. There, on the back of the chair, is Biscuit's "
spring" (aka Slinky). I assured him that this is not his Slinky storage area.

I though this was Biscuit's blog. Who is this guy?!

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