Thursday, April 18, 2013

First blood

We got Biscuit's first incident report today. I had to read it over and sign at the bottom saying they told me all about it.

But there are three sides of the story.
  1. The director says Biscuit fell down on the playground and skinned his knee.
  2. Biscuit says a kid ran past him and knocked him down. And he did it on purpose.
  3. The teacher, who was outside with them, said the kids were all running around and Biscuit and another kid ran into each other. Biscuit fell down and skinned his knee.
Now, if I were to put down a bet on this whole scenario, I'd say that all three of the above statements are true. I'm guessing some part of each person's story is how it all happened.

Believe it or not, Biscuit has never had a skinned knee.

He has busted his poor little face up. He's busted his lip more than once. He's bitten his tongue hard enough to bleed. He's had a black eye. He's had bruises on his chin and the side of his face. And he's had bruises on his forehead from running into things.

He's scraped the palms of his hands. He's bruised his back by falling off of things. He has several bruises on his shins right now from who knows what.

But his knees have been pristine until today.

I wish I could've taken video of him walking this evening. He held his injured leg perfectly straight as he walked. He looked like a cross between Frankenstein and Grandpa McCoy on "The Real McCoys."

Poor little man.

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