Monday, January 7, 2013

Fire stuff EVERYWHERE!

Jeff had to work late tonight, so one of my friends and I took Biscuit to a firefighter-themed sandwich shop.

Biscuit spotted a big firefighter mural on the wall before he ever got out of the car.

"I wish I could go look at that picture, Mom," Biscuit said.

"You can," I said. "That's the restaurant we're going to."

"WHAT?!?" Biscuit said. "That's so exciting!"

I ordered my sandwich, then order Biscuit a kid combo, which comes with ... A FIREFIGHTER HELMET!!! Biscuit loved it, of course.

So he was wearing a firefighter helmet, eating a meal that he liked a lot and staring around the restaurant at all the firefighter pictures and gear.

Yep. Biscuit had himself a nice little night.

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