Monday, December 3, 2012

Still growing

Despite me telling him to slow down, Biscuit continues to grow and grow and grow!

Yesterday, we went on a search for new shoes. The shoe store we like was having a sale, plus I had gotten a 25% off your entire purchase coupon in the mail. So Biscuit got two new pairs.

I feel very strongly about making sure Biscuit has good shoes with good support. I have foot and leg problems that are limiting, so if there's even a chance that good shoes can prevent that from happening to Biscuit, I'll take it. 

And of course, if there's a choice, we'd like for Biscuit to like his shoes, too.

We walked into the store, and I walked to the back corner where the toddler shoes are. I didn't see anything that I really liked, so I waited for the sales clerk to get done with a customer so I could ask him if that's all he had in Biscuit's size.

He measured Biscuit's foot, and suggested going two sizes bigger than the shoes Biscuit was wearing.

Jeff and I shared a panic-stricken glance at each other. Were we really shoving his feet into shoes that were two sizes too little?!?

When we walked into the store, Biscuit had immediately spotted some tennis shoes that looked like fire trucks. And he asked if he could have them. I told him they were for big boys, to which he replied, "But Mom, I AM a big boy."

"Yes, you are," I said. "But not quite big enough for those shoes."

But after the clerk measured Biscuit's foot, we realized that he WAS big enough for those fire truck shoes.

Oh joy!

The good thing is that when the clerk brought out the fire truck shoes, we measured one of them against the shoes Biscuit wore into the store and realized there wasn't that much difference between them after all.

I hate velcro shoes, and I hate light-up shoes. I bought my son fire truck shoes with velcro and lights. And I'm going to make a note of that here, so when he gets to be a teenager and is convinced that I hate him, I can pull up this blog post and say, "I went against everything I hold sacred in shoe choice to let you have lights and velcro and fire trucks. THAT's how much I love you!"

But there really wasn't a choice. On the six shelves we had to choose from, we found two pairs of shoes that had laces. One was a pair of boat shoes, and the others were dressy black oxfords. Everything else either had velcro or elastic stretchy faux laces. How is Biscuit ever supposed to learn to tie his shoes, if he doesn't have shoes with laces?

Anyway, the fire truck shoes are a tiny bit too big for Biscuit, but I made sure they don't slip on his heel. I told him walk across the store in them so I could check the mobility. Then I told him to run inside the store. Because I usually threaten him within an inch of his life about NOT running in stores, he just stopped and stared at me.

"It's okay to run in a store if I tell you to," I said to him. He smiled and took off running.

I told Jeff that if Biscuit was getting the fire truck shoes, he needed another pair that was a little more subdued. So we found these cute ones that look like tennis shoes but they're brown leather. Of course, I'll have to force Biscuit to wear them, but I'm up to the challenge.

Here are Biscuit's new fire truck shoes:

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