Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Way too early

We're still trying to get adjusted to our new schedule, but it does seem to be getting some better.

Sunday morning, I woke up at 5:30 a.m. I laid in bed and read for a while, and about 7 a.m., Biscuit came walking in and crawled up on my side of the bed. I hated that we were both up so early on the weekend, but it does seem like a sign that our new wake-up time is starting to take hold.

"Good morning," I said.

"Good morning, Mom," Biscuit said.

"Do you want to crawl in bed and sleep some more, or are you wide awake?" I asked him.

"Mom, I am wide awake and ready to start the day," Biscuit said.

So we quietly went into the living room and played for a while until Jeff got up. And when Biscuit is wide awake and ready to start the day, it's awfully hard to keep him quiet so Jeff can sleep some more.

Jeff has still been getting up each morning to help us, but when we leave, he goes back to bed for a little while.

So all three of us are on slightly different schedules.

Biscuit has been getting up in a fine mood, way better than he probably should for such a drastic change in his sleep patterns. But physically, he seems to be doing just fine.

But he knows the whole situation is just plain weird. You shouldn't be getting out of bed when it's still dark outside.

We accidentally started a ritual of things we have to say to Biscuit when we put him to bed.

Me or Jeff: Good night.
Biscuit: Good night.
Me or Jeff: I love you.
Biscuit: I love you, too.
Me or Jeff: See you later, alligator.
Biscuit: After while crocodile.
Me or Jeff: See you in the morning when the sun comes up. (Something Biscuit started saying when he was wee tiny.)
Biscuit: See you in the morning when the sun comes up.

But as Jeff was tucking Biscuit in tonight, the exchange was a little different.

Jeff: Good night.
Biscuit: Good night.
Jeff: I love you.
Biscuit: I love you, too.
Jeff: See you later, alligator.
Biscuit: After while crocodile.
Jeff: See you in the morning when the sun comes up.
Biscuit: No, Dad. See you in the morning BEFORE the sun comes up.

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