Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Oozing with charm

This is a warning to anyone who is even the slightest bit vulnerable to charming men.

My son is becoming one of them.

Don't buy it. He's only turning on the charm to get what he wants. Or to get out of trouble. Or to try to make you not mad at him anymore.

I've been seeing signs of it, but this evening, I got the full-on treatment.

Jeff is covering a basketball tournament in town, so Biscuit and I were on our own for dinner. We decided to go out, and Biscuit was really excited because we went somewhere we haven't been in a while. In his excitement, he was jumping up and down and almost knocked a tray full of food out of my hands. I scolded him, and ... are you ready for this? ... he winked at me.


I almost bit my tongue in half trying not to laugh, but I kept a stern look on my face.

"Don't try to be cute," I said. "When I tell you something, you listen. Got it?"

"Sorry, Mom," Biscuit said. "I'll listen better now on." (I love that he doesn't say "from now on." He just says "now on.")

I've seen him pull out this charm in other situations, too. He'll give you a compliment. Or he'll talk about something you like (instead of talking about firefighters and cowboys). Or he's even been known to give you a hug or kiss.

So keep your guard up. Prince Charming is watching you!

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