Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bad Mama!

I pulled into the driveway yesterday evening and started mine and Biscuit's evening routine.

I pack up all of my stuff and set it in the passenger seat. Then I get out and open Biscuit's door and get him out. Then we walk to the mailbox where I have to give him a letter of some sort to carry, then we head back to the front passenger seat of the car, grab my stuff and head into the house.

I'm routine oriented. This is what we do every day. So imagine my surprise when I opened Biscuit's door yesterday evening and see him just sitting in his car seat ... with NO STRAPS BUCKLED!!!!

I set him in his seat when I picked him up from day care and never fastened the straps on his seat. Me ... MRS. ROUTINE.

Thank goodness our ride home was uneventful. And that Biscuit isn't more rambunctious in his seat.

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