As you know, our Biscuit has been whore obsessed ... I mean, horse obsessed. So I've been on the hunt for a toddler-size rocking horse. I was also hoping to find one that wasn't as big as our house. Lord knows the child has enough toys already!
I looked at new horses. They run about $70. But I was really excited when I went to Craigslist and found exactly what I was looking for being sold by someone who lives in one of my friend's neighborhoods for $20.
When we got to their house, Biscuit went straight for the horse. He tried to get on but it had the safety seat on it. It's made for 1-year-olds up to 3-year-olds. But we could tell that he loved it even without being able to get on it.
Jeff handed over the $20 and started walking to the car with the horse. And Biscuit immediately jumped on the seat of a tricycle that was sitting right next to where the horse was. The woman said, "That's for sale, too, if you're interested." She said she'd take $10 for it. The trike looked brand new. She bought it for her daughter, but the little girl wasn't interested. The good thing is that I had checked the price of those trikes, too, and they run about $30.
So we got $100 worth of toys for $30. I like good deals.
Here are pictures of what we got. (And of course, I'll post pictures or videos of him using them as soon as I can.)
The horse has a rocker base, so Biscuit can bounce on it or rock on it. He also has crinkly ears that Biscuit likes to squeeze.

The tricycle has a push handle so we can help him learn to ride it. Until then, the handle folds under to make a rocker.

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